Saturday, 23 April 2011

Unreleased Market 25th April

Mystery Game
FarmVille Buldings Item
FarmVille Animals Items
FarmVille Decoration Items
FarmVille Tree Items

Thursday, 21 April 2011


                         Royal Horse And Foal

                                                                                                           Prince Horse And Foal
             White Shire Horse And Foal

                                             Pink Crystal Tree                           Purple Crystal Tree


Royal Guard Duck

Friday, 15 April 2011

Unlimited Materials Trick:)

People who comment as "Anonymous" write your name as well.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Contest for Snow Stallion and Color Changing

click to enlarge
Q - State the names as well as the price of the above items.

- No Double Comments, if so then will be disqualified.
- Time limit 20 minutes.

1st price - 1 Snow Stallion
2nd price - 2 Color Changing Sheep

Monday, 11 April 2011

Colour changing sheep


Simple question:
Tell me the cost of the 1st line ITEMs n Names of 2nd line items

No double comments
time limit 15 mins

Sunday, 10 April 2011

85 FarmCash TRICK!!! (*PATCHED*)

1. First and foremost, make a dummy account. (it simply means a new account.)
2. Click this link   
and then click "allows" twice (Farmville and Mail) after you have clicked “allow” the second time, stop your browser from loading the farm by clicking on “x” button beside “refresh” button or simply Press ESC key on the keyboard.
3. Now, click the above link again and again Press “ESC” key on the keyboard.
4. Now click this link   
and after 2 to 3 seconds refresh the page and again Press “ESC” key on the keyboard.
5. And Now click on this link    
and again after 2 to 3 seconds refresh the page and again Press “ESC” key on the keyboard.
6. And again, click on this link
and again after 2 to 3 seconds refresh the page and again Press “ESC” key on the keyboard.
7. Do 4th, 5th and 6th step 2 or 3 times.

8. Open Facebook in firefox and Click the link below
install gamebar and then click on "Play Now" in the game bar, you will get 10 farm cash in your giftbox and now your total farm cash will be 85 in level 1.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Snow Stallion

Two fathers along with their two sons went for fishing, each caught one fish. When they got back home they had only three fishes.
(no fish was eaten or stolen, how is that possible)

- No Double Comments, if so then will be disqualified.
- Time limit 20 minutes.

1st price - 3 Snow Stallion
2nd price - 2 Snow Stallion
3rd price - 1 Snow Stallion

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Faster way to Accept Gifts!

A small program which can be used to send and receive back your gifts.
Download this
After downloading and installing the program, open it and choose everything under Farmvillle and click on Start above.
This application / software will accept all your pending gifts and will send them back.
If you use Chrome and not willing to download the above software. You can just add a simple extension to your chrome.
Facebook Games Simplifier - Version: 3.8.4
(Functionalities are same, either you use the software or the extension in Chrome)

1 Can of Fuel, 3FV Cash, 1 Unwither and 1 White Goat

Click on the image to get the ITEMS in your FARM for FREE!!

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Today's Contest

Contest for 100 Farmcash Items.

1- First line, names of the Items.
2- Second line, Cost of the Items.
3- Selling price, of the Items.

- No Double Comments.
- Contest will end within 20 minutes.

Friday, 1 April 2011

65 FarmCash Trick (*PATCHED*)

1.  First and foremost, make a dummy account.
2. Click this link   
and then click "allows" twice (Farmville and Mail) after you have clicked “allow” the second time, stop your browser from loading the farm by clicking on “x” button beside “refresh” button or simply Press ESC key on the keyboard.

3. Now, click the above link again and again Press “ESC” key on the keyboard.
4. Now click this link   
and after 2 to 3 seconds refresh the page and again Press “ESC” key on the keyboard.

5. And Now click on this link    
and again after 2 to 3 seconds refresh the page and again Press “ESC” key on the keyboard.
6. Do 4th and 5th step 2 or 3 times.
7. Open Facebook in firefox and Click the link below
install gamebar and then click on Play Now in the game bar, you will get 10 farm cash in your giftbox and now your total farm cash will be 65 in level 1.


Today's Contest (Any two horse from Market)

What is the rate of the given Item...

No double comments

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