Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Farmville for Facebook guide cheats tips tricks hacks hints how to

Farmville has become a craze - one of the most popular games in the world - the most popular social game, and obviously, the most popular Facebook game there is. Chances are, whether or not you use Facebook, you know somebody who plays Farmville on their Facebook. Anyone from high-school students, to college students, to corporate CEOs, have gotten into this game. But search for cheats, tips, tricks, hacks, and whatnot, and the results are either sketchy and require you to download some crap, something that could potentially get you kicked off of Facebook, or something that you are required to buy. What should you do instead, if you want Farmville cheats and tips and tricks? Read this article, because I have them, and you can share more. Read on...Wanna make money fast on Farmville? Then keep these two factors in mind: Profit and speed. Plant crops that don't take long to harvest, but that provide a nice return as well - like strawberries, for instance. Or blueberries, aloe vera, etc. They will require a little bit more availability on short notice on your part, but crops that are ready for harvest at a quick, fast pace, but that also provide good returns moneywise, will lead to fast cash. DO NOT let your crops spoil though, or your hard earned money goes out the window.

You want to get ribbons quickly, and get lots of ribbons? The main secret is no secret at all - have a ton of neighbors. Networking is very important here. The more neighbors, the more ribbons. But apart from that, focus on one ribbon at a time. Don't spread yourself thin on ribbons. When you're focusing on one ribbon, you'll unintentionally fulfill qualifications for other ribbons too, so use the domino effect, and focus on whatever ribbon is, at the time, closest to being qualified for.For very quick experience points, do the following trick: Take a number of plots that are empty or need plowing. Put money aside for buying what crops you want, then do this: Plow all of them, plant soybeans, and then delete them using the shovel tool. Sounds dumb to plant and delete, plant and delete, but for every plot you do this on, it costs 15 coins to plow and 15 to plant, and you will gain 3 experience points - so for 15 plots, it costs a total of 450 coins and earns you 45 points. Do this and keep repeating, and watch your experience go up very quickly. Then you can plant and grow and get your coins back.

To do the 'hay bale cheat' and speed up your progress in the game, do this: Put down three hay bales in a "C" shape. Then, lure your farmer inside the C, and put down a fourth hay bale, locking him inside. Now you won't have to wait for your farmer to walk from place to place in order to maneuver around your farm, the game will just let you fly over there.The "Unlimited Gifts trick" works best in Firefox (especially older versions) and Google Chrome. Here's how to do it: Go to Farmville and right-click (or shift + click) on Free Gifts to open multiple new windows. Use each new window to send different gifts, send to different users, or both. Friends and family can send you unlimited gifts the same way, and this trick is the best way to get free coins. Sell your unlimited gifts (especially your useless ones) and watch the money pile up! Do this during a less busy time to get less Facebook errors.

Hope these help! If you have more hints, tips, tricks and cheats, feel free to comment and share!

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